Tourism in Brittany from Carnac to la trinité sur mer

Carnac and La Trinité sur mer near Dihan B&B in Morbihan

Distances: total ride 37.4km/ 59mn

Dihan(Ploemel)-Alignments Carnac 7,4km/10mn

Alignments Carnac-Carnac plage 3,3km/9mn

Carnac plage-La Trinité sur mer 3,7km/7mn

La Trinité sur mer -Auray 13.4km/20mn

Auray-Dihan (Ploëmel) 9,6km/13mn

Leave Dihan (right at end of road) and take first right towards Carnac. Straight on at the Purgatoire roundabout, which cuts off from the Quiberon road. Then turn right towards the Ménec alignments (they are signposted). They are part of the 4 km and 4,000-stone site (one of the largest in the world). Don't hesitate to get a little lost on the back roads as you follow them..

In our opinion, the best visit of this site (especially with children) is the one you can make with Hervé Le Maguer, a real local, carriage driver and storyteller, at the pace of his beautiful mare Olympe (10€/adult ,5€/child. Departure from salle du Menec parking lot)

It's also a good time to stop for a delicious galette for lunch or a Brittany-style crêpe for a snack at the crêperie du pressoir (April to September-Ferme du Ménec a place apart, at the end of the alignments, a "garden" surrounded by standing stones, artisanal products, children can play outside... A must-see.

Take the road back to Carnac ville, then on to Carnac Plage.

Very lively in season (stores, cafés and nightlife), much quieter the rest of the year! But it's still a good place to grab an ice cream and enjoy the long beach. Our favorite beach in Carnac? Le Men Du, further down the road from La Trinité sur Mer, for its small islet of sand, accessible according to the tides.

If it's more hot chocolate season, go to Memes Tra (3 avenue Miln. 02 97 52 26 87), opposite the main beach, or push on to La Trinité sur Mer via the beautiful coastal road, to drink A l'étage (Cours Quais, 02 97 59 56 12), at the end of the harbor. Great view of the harbor and its countless sailboats. Terrace in fine weather, lunchtime catering. La Trinité sur mer is the RV for sailing enthusiasts, the starting point for numerous regattas and a mecca for yachtsmen. Take a stroll along the quays and stop off at the store of Plisson, the seafaring photographer.

For seafood, try the bistro du marin (34 Cours des Quais 02 97 55 73 23), a restaurant with a pointed terrace overlooking the end of the harbor, or Chez Jaouen, where you can enjoy an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet at lunchtime (Kernivilit - Pont de Kerisper. +33 (0)2 97 30 00 24. Thursday to Sunday from March to November and daily from June to September), on large tables overlooking the river.

You can return to Dihan via the Crach road, in the direction of Auray, and stop off at the La Trinitaine factory outlet (Kerluesse 56470 Saint-Philibert,, a local family-run business, where you're bound to find something to suit your taste in Breton products . for children, parents, uncles, cousins, grannies, neighbors, friends and others from our beloved Morbihan.

There are also a few nice flea markets along the way (Le Bouche à oreille, creations, the one at the English telephone booth and the one near the little bridge - I can't remember all the names!) When you arrive in Auray, you can choose to visit Saint Goustan (cf. Auray-Le Bono walk) or return to Dihan, tell us all about your day, and go back to your unusual room!