An enduring state of mind

"Walk lightly on the earth and it will carry you."

Since its creation almost 20 years ago, Dihan has grown up with the idea of sharing an opportunity, a place where nature is a treasure, of allowing flora and fauna to develop, of highlighting the knowledge and landscape heritage sculpted by our elders.

Involvement with associations such as the LPO, an eco-management approach to the site, research into improvements, sorting, investment in respectful materials, energy management, phytodepuration... The results are there for all to see: today, energy consumption is under control, a dozen or so additional bird species have been added to the site, embankments have been rebuilt, trees planted, meadows rehabilitated and buildings saved.

Travel sharpens curiosity, and fosters the openness the world so desperately needs. Ours is focused on our landscapes and the people who live in them. Because tourism can be sustainable, and small gestures are never useless...

For almost 20 years now, our guests have been taking part in our approach, leaving with ideas they can apply at home, or by providing us with solutions. Thank you to them and to the grandparents who bequeathed us this land, and their love for it.

Our huts, while certainly built, are also designed to impact this heritage as lightly as possible. From the wastelands and ruins, a new story is born that continues to be told every day, with you and future generations.

Small animals

The bird sanctuary (LPO) takes advantage of the diversity of flora and fauna, favors ecological products and maintenance methods (Ouessant sheep and horses as eco-mowers, for example😊), mows late so as to be as friendly as possible with butterflies and foraging bees, and encourages biodiversity, both in the permaculture garden and on the site.

Weeds aren't so crazy here, because they're never bad..

Full of energy

From green light bulbs and batteries to recycled appliances that we're rediscovering (rediscover the joys of vinyl records, and even cassettes 😉 in the guest lounge!), from environmentally-friendly insulation methods (wood wool, green roof...) to rainwater harvesters, at Dihan, there are no small savings... Because an eco-respectful place will always help you recharge your batteries better!

Nothing is lost

At Dihan, the emphasis is on recycling, as in the furnishings for our terrace lounge, some of which were made using pallets of our own materials, while others have been mantled, salvaged or are family heirlooms.

Water is treated naturally by plants and returned to the earth.

Composted green waste nourishes our garden, while mown meadows are used as mulch or animal feed. What's more, our guests play the game magnificently!

Local Connexion

Biking, paddleboarding, surfing, relaxation or yoga, discovering plants and the permaculture vegetable garden to that of local artists, DIHAN activities and events are linked to nature and well-being and enable our guests to come and meet our beautiful region or rediscover it because our speakers live next door and love it just like we do.

The products in our Café lounge and in our boutique are essentially local, in short circuits, and for those who come from further afield, organic, fair trade or artisanal.

Our commitments

"Alone we go faster, together we go further"

We've been actively involved for over 15 years, and it's together that we're making progress, in the networks we've grown up with... The first unusual European ecolabel site in France, Dihan has been committed to ecotourism, gentle travel and slow tourism for over 16 years.
Having won various awards in this field over the years, and with the support of the Brittany region for certain actions (Surf and Nautic camp), we are constantly striving to improve our approach and share it with you.

Our commitments